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How to arrange accommodation for self-guided travel & tips for saving money

​The accommodation arrangement method introduced here is a general principle, usually applicable to the accommodation arrangement of each country, but for the special conditions of each country, I will specifically detail the details in the exclusive webpage of each country. Accommodation options include hotels, B & B, rental apartments/suites, etc., I have lived in all of them personally, and even rented elegant rooms from the British landlord’s wife in the UK. The advantages and disadvantages of various accommodations are as follows:
Tips for Linda Internet Booking
How Linda chooses the type of accommodation
Linda 's tips for choosing accommodation
Accommodation is traveling important factor in determining unpleasant throughout your journey Discovery, and therefore must comply with the safety, comfort, convenience, cleanliness, friendliness, and five major principles, how to choose a temporary home one from the numerous accommodation? I share my practical experience A small step for everyone


  • 24小時前廳接待, check in/out
  • ​每日清潔房間, 提供盥洗用品無需自行準備

  • 視房價提供早餐/晚餐

  • 飯店通常有比較多設施, 例如游泳池,酒吧, 餐廳, 咖啡廳, 大廳, 健身房, SPA, 夜總會, 露天庭園餐廳等等, 遇到天氣不好不適合出遊, 還可以做為滿足你在飯店度假的備用方案

  • 許多附屬服務, 機場接送,旅遊諮詢, 套裝行程預約, 影印文件等等服務, 總之, 24小時接待前廳就是服務中心, 有任何事可以找他們協助

  • 通常有電梯設備 


b & b

  • 沒有設置24小時前廳接待, 只能在規定時間內check in/out, 如果你抵達時間在規定時間以外, 必須先告知店家, 可能收取額外費用

  • 每日清潔房間,提供盥洗用品無需自行準備

  •  一律包含早餐, 有些Full-board則包含晚餐, 都是由主人烹, 早餐內容還算豐富, 可以告知主人你要吃甚麼, 但不是全部buffet

  • ​英國的B & B是我住過品質較好的國家, 房間布置清潔都做得相當好, 通常都設有小花園, 你可以享受英式庭園的美好, 有些甚至被評為五星, 這些B & B通常由當地英國人經營小旅宿, 有些主人相當友善, 英國有特定組織在評比這些B & B, 你可以參考評比星級來選擇

  • 通常無電梯設備 

Living Room Interior


  • 需與房東約好時間抵達出租公寓, 如果你抵達時間在規定時間以外, 可能收取額外費用

  • 通常每週清潔一次, 床也得每天自己舖, 需自行維護房間清潔整齊, 有些提供盥洗用品無需自行準備

  • 房內多半設有簡便廚房,好的物業房內設備一應俱全, 連烹飪用具都準備好, 歐洲外食非常昂貴, 這類住宿對於準備長住深入體驗當地的旅人是很好的選擇

  • 缺點是有某種不安全性, 你在網站沒見過房東就訂房間, 錢也付清, 萬一房東有問題, 你不僅外出時要擔心行李及購物被竊, 安全還可能受威脅, 例如前陣子有台女前往葡萄牙住出租套房就遇到房東在浴室裝攝影器, 還報警處理, 而這個物業在網路上評比還高於9, 因此網路評比並非保障

  • 有些物業可能沒有電梯設備 


Youth Hostel

  • 大通鋪或疊床, 共用衛浴的房間型態

  • 通常只有背包客會想選擇這類住宿, 個人認為年輕人如果一個人想藉由旅行認識新朋友, 可以嘗試, 曾經有朋友選擇這類住宿, 整個旅行都因住宿品質影響心情

  • 缺點是很多日常不方便之處, 如大家做息時間不同, 大通鋪睡覺時可能相互干擾, 財物安全無保障, 沒有隱私可言

  • 視物業可能有電梯設備

The hotel I stayed in

​Stresa, Italy

Very good 5-star hotel, I was upgraded to a superior room facing the lake, but there is a secret...

​VERONA, Italy


I live in a great rental suite in Verona, Italy

​There is a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom equipment, dining table, etc.

There is a reception desk open from morning to 11:00 in the evening

The location is very convenient, but I don’t recommend you order their breakfast packs, because the content is very poor, and you can walk to a bakery where you can eat breakfast in 3 minutes, and you can buy it for breakfast

​Heidelberg, Germany

I live in a rental apartment of about 20 square meters in Heidelberg. There is a bedroom, a bathroom, a large living room + dining room and a kitchen equipment area with simple equipment. The sofa bed can sleep up to 4 people, which is very suitable for a family. For people living, it is worth mentioning that the breakfast is served in the lobby. The breakfast is rich in content and creatively displayed on shelves, like afternoon tea, very distinctive

Where do I live in Europe?

I have personally stayed in all the hotels introduced here. They are not written by the industry. I hope you will like them.

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