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Linda's Unparalleled Breakfast Experience in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

Traveled to Spain in the sunniest summer season, some hotels served breakfast in the garden. I rarely had the opportunity to dine in the garden in Taiwan, and I look forward to enjoying the breakfast in the hotel's garden.

In the garden, I had appreciated the elegant building of the hotel while dining. Dining in a casual atmosphere in the garden also put me in a good mood.

The planting and table arrangement in the garden made people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

I chose different tables to enjoy breakfast in three days, and the table is carefully arranged, which made me look forward to this cooked-to-order breakfast.

Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

It is gratefu to have breakfast in a huge garden in Madrid, feeling the energy of the plants, and sometimes the birds come to accompany me. For three days, I feel my body, mind, and spirit were healed during breakfast time.

Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

Customized and Thoughtful Breakfast

Among the several hotels I stayed in during my vacation in Spain and Belgium, this is the only hotel where the breakfast is not a self-service buffet, but allows guests to order and eat all-you-can-eat. This method is more hygienic than self-service, and you can tell the waiter your preferences and habits when ordering, and let the restaurant make some fine-tuning for you. This is a very thoughtful way for people have food allergies.

Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

I try different dishes every day. For breakfast on the first day, I ordered a few dishes. I hope you don’t think why I eat so much. I actually only eat two meals a day, so breakfast is my brunch.

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

The whipped cream and berries on my favorite pancake make me so happy,

My Favorite Smoked Salmon

Few restaurants offer berries for breakfast, so I ordered them every day. After all, blueberries are very expensive in Taiwan.

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

Customized omlet

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

This is the first time I ate yogurt made with soy milk, adding berries tasted very refreshing,

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

French toast, although the restaurant chef’s method is very different from what I made at home, but the sauce on it is full of flavor, and it is served with berries, which makes me satisfied with this dish.

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

Toast with avocado and ham, gave me a new idea for homemade breakfast after returning to Taiwan,

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

Listening to the birdsong in the Green Garden

Healed the Body, Mind and Soul

Every morning, I was accompanied by birds during the breakfast time. From time to time, the birds stopped at the adjacent table to pick up the food on the table after the guests left.

Linda in Santo Mauro Hotel, Madrid

In the greenery of the garden and the sound of birdsong, I tasted the delicious breakfast , and also healed my body, mind, and soul. I specially share the live video of the scene, please watch the video below

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