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The World's Most Famous Fountain 'Trevi Fountain' of Rome

The Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) is one of the must-visit attractions in Rome. The Trevi Fountain in the center of Rome is the largest Baroque fountain in Rome and a work of architectural art. It is the most famous fountain in the world.

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This beautiful fountain is not only the scene of many movies, but also many tourists are eager to toss a coin to make a wish here. The fountain has been surrounded by tourists all year round, and its popularity is comparable to that of the Erawan Buddha in Thailand, but the wishing fountain , in the end?

Linda風尚生活網誌 | Fontana di Trevi

However, the small fountain in the hinterland is often crowded nearby, and even the steps on the opposite side are crowded with people. Be careful with your belongings when you visit here.

Spanning 6 centuries, the Trevi Fountain is still in style

The Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) takes its name from Regio Trivii, the place name used in the area since the mid-20th century, referring to the intersection of three streets in the square, or the three outlets of the original fountain. The Trevi Fountain was originally located at the intersection of three roads and was the end point of the Acqua Vergine, an elevated aqueduct that transported drinking water in Roman times.

Linda風尚生活網誌 | Fontana di Trevi

During the Renaissance in the 15th century, the Romans began to build magnificent fountains at the end of the aqueduct. In 1629, Pope Wupen VIII thought that the fountain at that time was not gorgeous enough, so Gian Bernini designed a new fountain. But after Wupen VIII's death, the project was terminated. The Trevi Fountain, now on display, was rebuilt by order of Pope Clement XII, who launched a competition in 1732 with leading artists of the time. Among the many contenders, the Florentines originally stood out, but the Romans were against with this. Evetually, the project was carried out by the Roman local architect Nicola Salvi, who won the second place in the design. Sadly, he died in 1751 before the fountain was completed in 1762.

Linda風尚生活網誌 | Fontana di Trevi

Stunning Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is built along the outer wall of the Palazzo Poli, forming a wide basin with a height of 25.6 meters and a width of 19.8 meters. The main structure is a huge sculpture and a spectacular water flow. The central main building is an image of a sea god riding a shell-shaped chariot, pulled by an angry horse and a calm horse, and dragged by two tritons. On the façade, hinged like a triumphal arch, there are two reliefs symbolizing the legend of the source and the history of the aqueduct: on the right, a statue of the goddess of Health, who pointed out the source to the Roman soldiers, and on the left, Agrippa, who ordered the construction of the aqueduct to begin. And it is decorated with two allegorical figures that enhance the effects of water, health and abundance. Giuseppe Pannini, who completed these works after the death of Nicolas Salvi, partially transformed the cliffs by adjusting the central basin. In 1998 the statues and walls of the Trevi Fountain were repainted and a new pump motor was installed. In 2014, a major restoration of the fountain was made possible thanks to a donation from Maison Fendi.

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Although the Trevi Fountain is small, its beauty can be appreciated from various angles, making people reluctant to leave for a long time

Did the wishes make here really come true?

Many tourists flock to the fountain to toss a coin to make a wish, a tradition that became popular after the 1954 Hollywood movie "Three Coins in the Fountain." The film is based on the Trevi Fountain and tells the story of three girls from the United States in pursuit of happy love. In the movie's plot, the three girls throw coins into the Trevi Fountain and make a wish. Since then, tossing a coin to the fountain to make a wish has become a behavior imitated by every visitor. So, does making a wish here work or not?

Linda風尚生活網誌 | Fontana di Trevi

It is said that if you throw a coin into the fountain to make a wish, you will definitely come back to Rome. If you want to have a romantic relationship, even Italian love, then you have to toss the second and third coins, so that the relationship will soon come to fruition. I only dropped a coin on my first visit, and I returned to Rome after 10 years. The second time I came to the fountain, I had made a wish , but none of my wishes came true except for my revisit in 2018. I once asked an old Italian lady about making wish and throw coins into the fountain. Her answer was very disappointing, in her opinion it was just an entertaining legend. Perhaps for tourists who travel long distances to the fountain and throw money to make a wish, the healing experience brings to people's heart is more meaningful than whether the wish comes true!

Linda風尚生活網誌 |Fontana di Trevi

The fountain that can only be viewed, but not played with

is like a cornucopia

In addition to Roman love, the Trevi Fountain is also the scene of many movies. In the 1960 Fellini film "La Dolce Vita", there was a scene in which Swedish actress Anita Eckberg jumped in the fountain and beckoned horses. Celo Mastroianni joins her. But in reality, it is illegal to take coins from the fountain.

According to a June 2017 report, tourists threw more than $1.5 million a year in the fountain. The money was collected and sent to Roman charities. Therefore, throwing money at the fountain to make a wish can be said to be a good deed, and the mayor of Rome assured citizens and tourists that the money taken from the fountain will continue to be used for charity, donated to a Catholic charity called Caritas, which aims to Help the vulnerable and the poor, as well as AIDS patients.

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Travel Information:

Address: Piazza di Trevi, 00187 Roma RM, Italy

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