In 2024, I visited Provence, a beautiful rural scene in southern France, and chose to stay at Villa Gallici. I expected a special breakfast here.
Wonderland Breakfast in the Open-air Garden
In 2024, I visited Provence, a beautiful rural scene in southern France, and chose to stay at Villa Gallici Hotel. I was looking forward to breakfast here.
Enjoyed Delightful Breakfast in the Garden of a Fairland
I chose to have breakfast on the terrace. The table decorated with roses and bird sculptures had created a relaxing dining atmosphere.
Normally hotels's restaurants only use white porcelain cups as tableware. Surprisingly, the breakfast tableware used by Villa Gallici is all made of exquisite colored porcelain with my favorite flower pattern. As I have great interest in collecting porcelain from all over the world, the table setting of breakfast had impressed me very much. I couldn't help smiling when I noticed the cappuccino is carefully sprinkled with the abbreviation VG of Villa Gallici. Indeed, details could be seen everywhere at this hotel.

The fountain decorated with fresh roses is not only pleasing to the eye, but also adds a romantic atmosphere
I enjoyed my breakfast by the fountain filled with flowers and the sound of gurgling water.
A Unique Breakfast Experience Had Filled my Heart with Joy
Under the shade of the giant trees in the garden, amidst the sweet music of flowing water and chirping of insects and birds, I enjoyed breakfast leisurely and looked at the garden around the swimming pool. The green brocade scene healed my tired soul and washed away my worries.
Immersed in such a pleasant and refreshing wonderland, I not only recuperated my body and mind, but also washed away my fatigue. My heart was full of gratitude and joy, praise and passion for life.
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