When I traveled to Provence in 2024, the five-star hotel I stayed at, Hotel La Mirande, was originally an 18th-century noble villa in the center of Avignon. After careful restoration of the remnants of the past, it was transformed into a refined and elegant five-star hotel.
When I booked the room, I discovered that each room has a different design style. Each room is decorated elegantly and charmingly with historic French cotton prints. The wall decorations are full of exotic atmosphere. I found that each room decorated with different patterns of wallpapers and fabrics. As I have great interests in interior design, I really like these rooms and want to stay in each room.
Every Room is a Historical Monument
Hotel La Mirande has twenty-six rooms, each decorated with historic French cotton prints. Since in the 18th century, the European upper class was keen on importing printed fabrics (Indiennes) from India, the decorative styles and wall decorations in the 26 rooms of Hotel La Mirande are full of exotic sentiments. You can feel the fashion of the 18th century in these historic rooms and the An art of living that people marvel at and admire.
The room No. 30 I stayed in was quite spacious. Two windows introduced the view of the Papal Palace and the nearby Provence-style houses.
Wallpapers, curtains, paintings, lamps and furniture are well matched to create a warm and lovely French country style.
In order to prevent the TV from becoming an obtrusive device in this historic house, the TV was specially built into a carefully designed antique TV stand.
I like to spend time in this gorgeous corner.
Every piece of furniture and equipment has been carefully decorated. The TV is especially installed in a carefully designed antique TV stand. Normally, there are few dressing tables in European hotels. I was very surprised when I saw the lovely dressing table in my room. It had made my stay more cozy and convenient.
The hotel prepared strawberries, desserts and a box of beautifully packaged chocolates for me.
After a day trip to the attractions, I liked to sit by the window and took a break.
The room enjoy a close view of the landmark ' Papal Palace ' and the scenery of the Provence-style houses from the window
The bathroom also has a window to bring in light,
Although it is an old-style bathroom equipment, it is fully functional and easy to use.
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